Processor Agreement Felixx.® loon

Processor Agreement Felixx.® loon

As of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies. From this date, the same privacy legislation applies throughout the European Union. One of the requirements set by the GDPR is that a written agreement must be made about the processing of personal data.


Since Felixx.® werk & inkomen as a “Processor” processes Personal Data on behalf of you as a “Data Controller”, you are legally obliged to draw up a “Processing Agreement” with Felixx.® werk & inkomen. To draw up the Processor Agreement, we ask you to complete the form below. The Processor Agreement will be drawn up immediately and can then be signed by you. After signing, you have the option to save and/or print the document as a PDF document.


It is not necessary to send us a copy. After you have signed the Processor Agreement, we will automatically receive a copy of the Processor Agreement.
